11:32 PM
We all want to surf internet at times anonymously without wanting our IP(Internet Protocol) Address to be revealed. However very few people actually know the efficient methods in order to hide the Ip address. While using a proxy server is mostly preferred, the ways to do that vary. Common techniques are -

Browser Proxy
Website Proxy
Masking the Ip address via software

     of the three techniques,we will discuss software based proxy,as it is quite easy and doesn't demand much to do. The other methods will be given in future posts.

      In order to mask your IP address,we can use a number of softwares which can change our IP address enabling us to hide our location,some of the softwares which can be used are-

Hotspot Shield
Fast Ip changer
Ultimate Ip changer
Hide Ip
Real Hide IP

Of these , #Real hide Ip provides the excellent option of allowing the option to change automatically your IP address for as less as every 1 minute or so, from a vast option of countries,making your connection quite encrypted and masking your geo location.


The second ignored thing is people think, that even after masking the Ip address, how are they traced? The secret is by tracking your MAC id (Media Access Control), the address assigned to your NIC/ Ethernet Card. Most computer users say that MAC ID is permanent and cant be changed. However this concept is totally wrong. Though we cant change the Hardware MAC ID, the software MAC id can be also spoofed, which helps us hide our MAC id also.

This can be done by tweaking the registry values of the NIC or by the easier way of using a software to change the MAC ID.

of the tons of software, I personally prefer two-

#SMAC changer and
#T-Mac changer

T-Mac has the advantage that it offers us to revert back our original MAC id at the drop of a hat,allowing us to change our WIFI address, Ethernet address and Bluetooth address.

So for greater anonymity, from now on change/spoof both your MAC and IP address and surf the web for greater protection and less-hindrance.